april 24

“Be still, and know that I am God..” – Psalm 46:10

The Bible doesn’t say to be still and pretend that He is God. It doesn’t say to merely suggest that He is God. It doesn’t say that maybe He is God, or that we should just try to believe He is God. No, this verse tells us to be still (physically, mentally, spiritually! whatever it takes!) and to KNOW that He is God.

This is such a simple verse, but it entails great truth and meaning.

Above in verses 1 through 5 (if you’ve taken out your Bible to read Psalm 46), we see that God is defined as our refuge, our strength and our help. We shall have no fear because God is still “in the midst”. The God we’re called to “know” in verse 10 is the God that strengthens us and helps us even when the “earth be removed” or when the “mountains are carried into the midst of the sea”! (vs. 2)

I don’t know about you, but I have had to climb a few mountains. I have been in the raging sea. We can rest knowing what verses 7 and 11 both proclaim: “The Lord is with us!”

We can’t just know God is God intellectually. We must have unshakeable, immovable trust and faith, despite any battle, that He is the Lord our God, a “very present help in trouble”, indeed. (vs. 1)

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