april 23

Parents, if you’re like me, you can certainly relate to this verse in 3 John 1:4:

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth!”

In order for our children to walk in truth, we must! Little ones (and big ones, too!) are watching everything we do and listening to everything we say!

When we fix our hearts on Jesus, making him a daily, minute-by-minute priority in our homes, hopefully our children will learn the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus too!

There are no guarantees, of course, and we will certainly fail. In those times, we can pray for God to compensate for our weaknesses, and ask our children to forgive our mistakes. I’ve already had to apologize to my son, and he’s only 8 months old!

It’s never too late (or early!!) to train our children to walk in truth. Start today!

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